The Romanian Police ask Romanians to be careful when crossing the street

The Romanian Police ask Romanians to be careful when crossing the street

The Romanian Police ask Romanians to be careful when crossing the street at pedestrian crossings, and not only that, because there is always the risk that drivers will not notice them, or have problems with their car that prevent them from braking in time.

Why do you need to make sure before crossing the pedestrian crossing?

There is a possibility that the driver will not notice you OR the braking system may fail OR there may be N-variants, for which your life as a pedestrian should not be put in danger.

Equally, there is this OR to you as a pedestrian. Don't listen to music on your headphones when you cross OR use your phone OR run when you want to use the crosswalk.

Lots of "OR's" that shouldn't be there! Life is in your hands!