The Minister of Education: LAST-MINUTE Official Provisions Imposed on Schools All over Romania

The Minister of Education announces a series of last-minute official provisions, which are imposed on schools in Romania, this is what Ligia Deca wants to do.

Minister of Education LAST MINUTE Official Provisions Imposed on Schools All over Romania

The Minister of Education announces a series of last-minute official provisions, which are imposed for schools all over Romania, and this is because a National Plan against violence in schools is brought to the attention of Romanians, Ligia Deca describing in it the main provisions on which it is based at the present moment.

The Minister of Education officially explains the very important cases in which the National Plan will be applied, Ligia Deca trying to protect students from all over the country from situations in which life and bodily integrity could be endangered, situations which, unfortunately , it happens more and more often in Romania.

"The national plan to combat school violence aims to:

  • a) cases of violence between preschoolers/students: bullying, cyberbullying; bodily injury, hitting, throwing objects; immobilization; forcing children with food allergies or food intolerances to eat, ingest foods that trigger allergic reactions, food intolerances; threat, blackmail, harassment, slander, terrorizing, deprivation of liberty; unwanted touching, pinching or caressing without consent; requests that place students in positions very similar or identical to sexual exposure; instigating, inciting violence, hatred, discrimination; determining or facilitating suicide; luring minors for sexual purposes; sexual assault, sexual intercourse with a minor, rape, sexual corruption, recruitment of minors for sexual purposes, sexual exploitation, child pornography; killing, murder; trafficking of minors.
  • b) cases of school staff violence against preschoolers/, preschoolers, students: favoring some children to the detriment of others; the obvious disadvantage of some children; neglect: failure to provide adequate supervision, failure to provide a safe physical environment, leaving a child in the care of an unauthorized adult, access to harmful objects; insults and insults, contempt, teasing; jerking, shaking, shaking, pulling, pushing, pinching, applying physical punishments; bodily harm, hitting or any acts of violence causing physical suffering, throwing objects; immobilization of the child; forcing children with food allergies or food intolerances to eat, ingest foods that trigger allergic reactions, food intolerances; threat, blackmail, harassment, terrorizing, deprivation of liberty; obscene signs, jokes, banter, comments with sexual connotations comments with sexual connotations regarding a person's physical appearance; unwanted touching, pinching or caressing without consent; requests that place students in positions very similar or identical to sexual exposure; instigating, inciting violence, hatred, discrimination; determining or facilitating suicide; luring minors for sexual purposes; sexual assault, sexual intercourse with a minor, rape, sexual corruption, recruitment of minors for sexual purposes, sexual exploitation, child pornography; attempted murder; killing, murder; trafficking of minors.
  • c) cases of serious violence by students against school staff: bodily harm, hitting, throwing objects; immobilization of the person; threat, blackmail, harassment, slander, terrorizing, deprivation of liberty; obscene signs, language, remarks, innuendos with sexual connotations, comments with sexual connotations regarding a person's physical appearance, humiliating or sexist epithets, obscene signs; sexual assault, rape, sexual corruption; inappropriate touching with sexual connotation; requests that place staff in positions very similar or identical to sexual exposure; other actions that can cause emotional trauma and that have as a consequence the loss of dignity or the creation of an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive atmosphere; instigating, inciting violence, hatred, discrimination; determining or facilitating suicide; attempted murder; killing, murder.
  • d) cases of parental violence in the school space;
  • e) cases of anti-school violence: violation of correspondence secrecy; false alarm; arson or attempted arson; unauthorized carrying or use of dangerous objects; running games of chance; destruction of school property, vandalism; theft and attempted theft; robbery."