The Minister of Education Announces 2 LAST MINUTE Official Actions for Students and Schools in Romania

The Minister of Education announces 2 last-minute official actions for students and schools from all over Romania, here are the decisions that have been made for us.

The Minister of Education Announces 2 Official Actions LAST MINUTE Students Schools All Romania

The Minister of Education announces 2 last-minute official actions for students from schools throughout Romania, and this is because Ligia Deca brings to our attention what we need to know about the financing of inclusive and quality early education projects, 23.1 million euros being allocated in this sense.

The Minister of Education talks below about what these projects mean, but separately also announces the signing of a new financing contract for the development of dual education in Romania, this time in Resita, where there is interest in creating such a type of educational institution.

"The Applicant's Guide for the non-competitive call for projects "Unitary system for inclusive and quality early education" was launched in public consultation! The budget allocated to the call for projects is 23.100.000 euros.
The expected results following the granting of financial support in this call for projects are.

The initial and continuous training of educators regarding the skills to understand and adapt the educational process in an ethno and multicultural context; supporting initial training in pedagogical high schools by awarding scholarships to students for a teaching career in ÎETC; national program for mentoring educators to reduce the urban-rural gap in the approach to the new curriculum and innovative teaching strategies.

Elaboration of a unitary set of quality standards for early education programs; training of personnel involved in the evaluation and monitoring of quality assurance at the county level; developing good practice guidelines to support the implementation of the new curriculum and the core principles of inclusive and quality early education.

Today I signed a new financing contract for the development of dual education in Romania, this time with the mayor of Reșita Municipality, Mr. Ioan Popa. The consortium for dual education "Banatul Montan Reșita" includes in partnership no less than 14 economic operators from the area. I thank the private sector for the interest in the development of dual education in Reșita!

The role of economic operators within these dual education consortia remains a determining one, both from the perspective of ensuring a qualitative framework of professional training on campus and in enterprises, and from the point of view of the partnership valorization of resources. I thank all the partners in the consortium for this success and wish them much success in the implementation!"