Minister of Education: LAST MINUTE Official Messages for Students and Teachers from All over Romania

The Minister of Education sends two last-minute official messages for students and teachers from all over Romania, here is what Ligia Deca reveals.

Minister of Education Official Messages LAST MOMENT Students Teachers All Romania

The Minister of Education published a series of last-minute official messages for students and teachers in Romania, Ligia Deca talking about a visit she made together with the Minister of Justice, meeting with the students from Arges and the teachers who help them to the annual school curriculum of the education system.

The Minister of Education explains below what happened during the visits in Arges, but separately from that, the methodology for CNATDCU is brought to our attention, but also the way in which the members who are part of this extremely important commission for the education system are elected from Romania.

"It was a great joy to arrive again at the "Carol I" National Pedagogical College in Câmpulung, this time together with the Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu! This school preserves, through its architecture, through the care with which the interior spaces are arranged and especially through the professionalism of its people, standards that are benchmarks for the entire educational community in the county! I also met here with the principals of the schools in Câmpulung and nearby areas.

We talked about measures to reduce violence in schools and how important it is to come together in the effort to make schools as safe an environment as possible. Thank you for your concern for the good of the school and for the honest discussion! I am with you! First stop #InVisitLaArgeș: Mioveni Machine Construction Technological High School!

The high school is among the first in the country where dual education works, and the fact that it already has 6 practical training workshops equipped with modern equipment is a good premise for a quality education and for the development of dual education. Moreover, this form of education will be generalized from 2029. Moreover, the new Education Law provides for the full dual education route: young people will be able to continue their specialization in higher education!

The principles underlying the selection of CNATDCU members are: transparency, avoiding incompatibilities and conflicts of interest, including the interference of the political factor, ensuring professional and institutional representativeness. The profile of CNATDCU members must meet the following minimum requirements.

Own scientific research experience, nationally/internationally recognized, proven and validated by specific achievements and by meeting the minimum national standards for qualification in the field; capacity for objective analysis; professional integrity; not to be dignitaries or members of the leadership structures of political parties (for the 2024-2028 mandate, this aspect is taken into account at all levels of the previously mentioned structures). After the date of 28.04.2024, the Ministry of Education will publish the list of those registered for the selection committees."