iPad Mini va ignora atingerile accidentale facute pe marginile laterale ale ecranului

  Tableta iPad Mini are margini foarte subtiri, de fapt este singura tableta iPad care are bezelul atat de subtire, iar cei de la Apple au implementat o tehnologie aparent desteapta pentru a impiedica utilizatorii sa atinga din greseala marginile ecranului.  Practic in momentul in care o persoana ia iPad Mini in mana ar putea atinge din greseala marginea ecranului, iar iOS-ul a fost modificat pentru a ghici daca atingerile facute pe acea parte laterala sunt intentionate sau neintentionate, iar in functie de algoritmul Apple va decide daca trebuie sa interpreteze acea atingere ca un gest voit sau nu.

iPad mini is small. But when you use it, it doesn’t feel small. That’s because it’s designed to give you the maximum amount of screen in the minimum amount of space. To achieve that, we had to rethink the relationship between the screen and the overall shape of the product. iPad has symmetrical bezels around all of its edges. But for iPad mini, we reduced the width of the bezels on two sides of the display. So although the screen is smaller, it’s even more prominent. Rethinking the screen meant we also had to rethink the software behind it. iPad mini intelligently recognizes whether your thumb is simply resting on the display or whether you’re intentionally interacting with it. It’s the kind of detail you’ll notice — by not noticing it. And it’s a great example of how Apple hardware and software work together to give you the best experience possible.

  Ca si idee totul pare grozav, insa sunt sigur ca multi vor incepe sa se planga de faptul ca iOS-ul nu vrea sa interpreteze atingerile voite ale marginilor ecranului, crezand ca in realitate utilizatorul nu vroia sa deschida o aplicatie. In aceeasi masura iOS-ul poate ignora anumite atingeri, si ramane sa vedem ce scandaluri vor porni de aici.