iPhone 5S este mai bun decat Samsung Galaxy S5 conform New York Times

  Celebra publicatie New York Times a revizuit timp de 2 saptamani de zile terminalul Samsung Galaxy S5 a celor de la Samsung, iar intr-un articol publicat astazi ne spune cat de bun este acest terminal fata de iPhone 5S. Conform jurnalistului care a testat dispozitivul, iPhone 5S este mai bun decat Samsung Galaxy S5 din toate punctele de vedere, aceasta fiind in totalitate parerea sa. El spune ca de la design si pana la calitatea aplicatiilor, Samsung Galaxy S5 este cel mai bun smartphone Android actual, insa nu este mai bun decat iPhone 5S.

The answer: Not very well. I’ve been using the new Samsung for about three weeks, and while I do think it is the best Android phone you can buy, it sure isn’t the best phone on the market. By just about every major measure you’ll care about, from speed to design to ease of use to the quality of its apps, Samsung’s phone ranks behind the iPhone, sometimes far behind. If you’re looking for the best phone on the market right now, I’d recommend going with the iPhone 5S.

  Detalii complete despre comparatia facuta pentru cele doua dispozitive veti gasi in aceasta pagina a publicatiei New York Times si in cursul zilei de maine voi publica propriul meu review pentru Samsung Galaxy S5.