Danemarca, Suedia si Marea Britanie investigheaza Apple pentru promovarea incorecta a tabletei iPad

  Daca Australia si Noua Zeelanda s-au gandit sa oblige compania Apple sa isi promoveze corect noua tableta iPad, cei din Suedia

, Danemarca si Marea Britanie au in plan acelasi lucru. Totul a pornit de la faptul ca tableta iPad 3 este compatibila doar cu retelele 4G din SUA si Canada iar Apple ar fi promovat-o ca functionand pe retele 4G oriunde in lume insa nu este asa. Acum pe site-ul companiei Apple informatiile ne spun ca tableta functioneaza intr-adevar doar cu retelele 4G LTE din SUA si Canada insa guvernele tarilor anterior mentionate nu par prea convinse de schimbarea facuta de Apple.

Marek Andersson, a lawyer at the authority whose task is to safeguard consumer interests in Sweden, said the consumer agency has received several complaints from consumers over marketing which touts the new iPad as having 4G connectivity. 

We are aware of the news from Australia regarding the iPad 4G marketing claim… Without going through due process we can’t say whether the (UK) ad is likely to be problematic. If anyone has concerns about the iPad ad then they can lodge a complaint with us and we will establish whether or not there is a problem under the Code.

The other case is in connection with the launch of “The New iPad” in Denmark, where Apple advertises “4G connectivity.” Unfortunately, the LTE antenna which can provide access to the 4G network in the U.S. and Canada, not in the world, even in Denmark, so we must be content with the same speed of the mobile Internet, which you are accustomed to existing smart phones and tablets.

  In cele trei tari autoritati ale guvernului si Ombudsman-ul(Avocatul Poporului) vor investiga modul in care compania Apple isi promoveaza tableta. Era clar ca aceasta compatibilitate cu retelele 4G a doar doua tari avea sa genereze probleme daca nu este extrem de atent promovata si iata ca Apple are acum de raspuns in fata mai multor autoritati statale. In Australia Apple a fost de acord sa le readuca tuturor clientilor sai in atentie posibilitatea de a returna tableta in 14 zile de la achizitie si probabil in aceste tari lucrurile nu vor fi diferite.

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