Steve Jobs si “camera celor 7 norocosi” din interiorul Pixar

  Fiind concediat de catre Apple, Steve Jobs s-a hotarat sa isi asume o noua aventura si ea avea sa poarte numele de Pixar. Aceasta companie, care acum produce unele dintre cele mai bune filme animate, era atunci “casa” lui Steve Jobs si in interiorul ei fostul CEO al Apple avea o camera “speciala”. Acea camera a fost descoperita de un angajat dupa construirea sediului Pixar si in ea Steve Jobs aducea cele mai importante persoane care intrau in sediul companiei. “Camera dragostei” sau “camera de meditatie” era numita ea si practic vorbesc despre o camera in care celebritatile erau aduse pentru a se relaxa si a socializa.

The wackiest piece of serendipity was “The Love Lounge.” One of the animators found a small door on the back wall when he moved into his office. It opened to a low corridor that you could crawl through to a room clad in sheet metal that provided access to the air-conditioning valves. He and his colleagues commandeered the secret room, festooned it with Christmas lights and lava lamps, and furnished it with benches upholstered in animal prints, tasseled pillows, a fold-up cocktail table, liquor bottles, bar equipment, and napkins that read “The Love Lounge.”

A video camera installed in the corridor allowed occupants to monitor who might be approaching. Lasseter and Jobs brought important visitors there and had them sign the wall. The signatures include Michael Eisner, Roy Disney, Tim Allen, and Randy Newman. Jobs loved it, but since he wasn’t a drinker he sometimes referred to it as the Meditation Room. It reminded him, he said, of the one that he and Daniel Kottke had at Reed, but without the acid.

  Camera a fost mentionata de Steve Jobs in biografia autorizata lansata anul trecut, deci a fost destul de importanta in viata sa si ea exista astazi, iar cei de la Pixar o folosesc in aceleasi scopuri. Multe companii au asemenea camere special facute pentru oaspetii “de seama” si Steve Jobs probabil a stiut intotdeauna cum sa intretina oamenii cu care lucra si de care avea nevoie. La final va las in compania unui clip video care prezinta o parte din istoria din spatele camerei.
