Google Voice este mai “destept” decat Siri conform New York Times

  Siri, un produs beta lansat de Apple in toamna anului trecut si ramas in acelasi stadiu un an mai tarziu, pare sa fie usor depasit de un produs lansat de catre Google chiar luna trecuta. Google Voice Search este numele acestui produs si cei de la New York Times sustin ca el pune Siri la colt, cel putin cand vine vorba despre efectuarea cautarilor pe web si intelegerea unor intrebari. Totul are la baza un test de 1600 de intrebari facut de un analist american, test care a dat castigator sistemul celor de la Google, un sistem ceva mai nou dar mai bine construit.

Mr. Munster subjected Siri to over 1,600 voice tests, half in a quiet room and half on a busy Minneapolis street. In the quiet room, Siri understood requests 89 percent of the time, but she was able to accurately answer a question only 68 percent of the time. On a busy street, Siri could comprehend what people were saying 83 percent of the time, but answer a question correctly only 62 percent of the time. It could hear well enough. The problem in his analysis was that the software was not good enough to understand questions. Mr. Munster gave Siri a “grade D” and said it needed to sharply improve in order to be an alternative method of mobile search.

  In cazul editorului de la New York Times Siri a devenit un produs care nu prea mai atrage, desi posesorii de terminale iPhone 4S par sa il iubeasca neconditionat. Intr-o comparatie

cu Google Voice s-a dovedit ca exista diferente intre cele doua sisteme, Google Voice-ul fiind cu un pas inaintea Siri deocamdata, insa Apple pregateste un iOS 6 care aduce multe schimbari pentru Siri. Pana atunci avem o vara in care Google va fi laudata pentru sistemul sau, iar daca Apple vede realitatea atunci va imbunatati indeajuns Siri pentru a reveni in top si poate se va decide sa renunte la titulatura de produs aflat in stadiul beta de dezvoltare.

Google Voice Search, available in the latest operating software for Android phones, is a much better listener. It’s definitely smarter. If I ask Google Voice Search a question, like, “Who is Tim Cook?” it responds with an answer. (He’s the chief executive of Apple.) If I ask Siri the same question, the response is: “I don’t see Tim Cook in your contacts.”

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