Steve Jobs. Omul care a schimbat lumea a fost lansat in cinematografele din SUA, iata review-urile importante

  In cursul zilei de ieri pelicula jOBSSteve Jobs. Omul care a schimbat lumea in Romania, a fost lansata oficial in cinematografele din SUA si primele review-uri importante au inceput deja sa apara. Dupa cum puteti vedea si in cuvintele de mai jos, parerile sunt impartite in randul criticilor, unii find placut impresionati de anumite aspecte ale peliculei, altii criticand dur altele. Practic aceeasi reactie au avut-o si cei care au vazut pentru prima oara filmul in cadrul Sundance Festival 2013, iar in final veti gasi oameni care va vor recomanda sa vizionati filmul si oameni care nu va vor recomand asta.

  Ca sa fiu sincer, daca sunteti un fan Apple si un fan al lui Steve Jobs, atunci merita sa mergeti sa vedeti acest film in cinematograf, dar si cel care urmeaza sa fie lansat anul viitor, deoarece ambele vor prezenta viata fostului CEO intr-o cu totul alta forma. Steve Jobs. Omul care a schimbat lumea va fi disponibil saptamana viitoare in cinematografele Hollywood Multiplex, iar mai multe detalii veti gasi aici.

Mary Pols, “He gives so many inspirational speeches about innovation in Jobs that I was tempted to pull out my laptop and check my email. In between, he’s either haranguing some oaf about lack of productivity or firing someone. Do we get a sense of the man’s greatness? A bit, but mostly we get a sense of the man’s douchebaggery.”

Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle: “But the main flaw of Jobs is that it limits itself to the ancient history of Jobs’ rise and fall and rise at Apple. The movie might begin in 2001, but it never returns to the 21st century. Thus, all the dramatic events of Jobs’ last dozen or so years aren’t dealt with at all.”

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: “Like the man it’s about, Jobs is thin and unassuming, but keeps surprising you with ideas and innovation. An almost ironically styled old-fashioned biopic, this sharp look at the late Steve Jobs and the technological and cultural changes he brought about is entertaining and smart, with a great, career 2.0 performance from Ashton Kutcher.”

Manohla Dargis, The New York Times: “Fuzzed up and hunched over, Mr. Kutcher looks somewhat like the young Jobs, and there are moments — as when he gives another character a small, devious look as if sliding in a knife — that the casting seems more than a matter of bottom-line calculation. But Mr. Kutcher doesn’t have the tools that some actors use to transcend weak material and either he didn’t receive any help or didn’t allow any real direction from Mr. Stern.”

Michael O’Sullivan, The Washington Post: “Although I think I could watch a whole movie called Woz and not grow tired, Jobs eventually begins to suffer from an ailment common to many biopics: milestone fatigue. The film is so thick with Jobs’ career highlights and lowlights that there’s little room for insights. What made this famously private man tick?”


  1. @zaone “In cursul zilei de ieri pelicula jOBS, Steve Jobs. Omul care a schimbat lumea in Romania” tu ce intelegi de aici ? daca puneai si tu o virgula sau paranteze sau scriai ceva de asta e denumirea in romania era altceva asa se intelege cu totul altceva