Apple – cauza esecului stream-ului LIVE

  Daca ati incercat sa vizualizati aseara in direct transmisiunea conferintei de prezentare a iPhone 6

si iPhone 6 Plus, probabil ati intampinat diverse momente de frustrare atunci cand ati realizat ca in locul vizionarii noilor iPhone-uri vedeti imaginea de mai sus. Din pacate Apple nu a fost pregatita pentru a sustine nu stream video in direct pentru, probabil, milioane sau zeci de milioane de oameni care erau interesati sa vada ceea ce urma sa prezinte compania.

The bottom line with this event is that the encoding, translation, JavaScript code, the video player, the call to S3 single storage location and the millisecond refreshes all didn’t work properly together and was the root cause of Apple’s failed attempt to make the live stream work without any problems. So while it would be easy to say it was a CDN capacity issue, which was my initial thought considering how many events are taking place today and this week, it does not appear that a lack of capacity played any part in the event not working properly. Apple simply didn’t provision and plan for the event properly.

  Mai sus aveti o posibila explicatie pentru problemele pe care le-a avut compania Apple in a mentine stream-ul video activ pe perioada conferintei, insa chiar si daca Apple va explica totul intr-un comunicat de presa, rusinea va ramane. Apple a promovat acest eveniment peste tot in lume, a starnit interesul unui numar enorm de oameni si rezultatul final a fost frustrarea de a nu vedea nimic.

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