Iata cum isi motiva Apple angajatii cu trei decenii in urma (Video)


  Clipul video de mai sus a fost prezentat de catre compania Apple angajatilor si partenerilor prezenti la o conferinta organizata pentru lansarea Macintosh si calculatoarelor din seria Lisa in luna ianuarie a anului 1984 in ideea de a ii motiva sa promoveze puternic produsul. Desi acum clipul pare destul de ciudat, se pare ca in momentul prezentarii sale, unii parteneri Apple au cumparat actiuni ale companiei chiar din sala conferintei, o decizie care s-a dovedit a fi extrem de inteleapta.

This was a corporate song that was used during the Macintosh rollout in January, 1984. I heard it live, in Manhattan, sitting in the audience as with the other authorized Apple dealers/retailers at the time. The song was a bit of a diversion between product announcements, and was meant to energize the audience a bit. At this meeting, Apple introduced the Macintosh and the new line of Lisa computer systems. Some fellow Apple Dealers, who were watching the Macintosh introduction, got out of their seats to call their stock brokers from the pay phones to issue a ‘buy’ order! Smart. I wish I did the same. I was too involved in figuring out how I could afford to buy both a Mac and a Lisa.

  Acestea fiind spuse, Apple stia sa isi motiveze angajatii in acea perioada si cu siguranta stie sa o faca la fel de bine acum.