Camera Grabber for iOS 5 modifica modul in care deschizi aplicatia Camera din Lockscreen

  Camera Grabber for iOS 5 este un tweak lansat in cursul serii trecute in Cydia care aduce posesorilor de iDevice-uri o noua modalitate de a deschide aplicatia Camera din Lockscreen. Practic tweak-ul implementeaza in iOS 5 metoda de deschidere a camerei disponibila in iOS 5.1 adica nu veti apasa pe butonul aplicatiei pentru a o deschide ci va trebui sa faceti un swype in sus cu botnul aplicatiei pentru a o porni. De indata ce instalati tweak-ul veti avea butonul afisat permanent in lockscreen deci ganditi-va bine daca aveti nevoie de el.

This tweak makes the camera shortcut on the lock screen act like the iOS 5.1 camera shortcut. This means a few things:

  • The camera button is now a grabber – push the lock screen up and reveal the camera app
  • If you don’t have a passcode set you will have full access to your photo library
  • The camera shortcut always shows up (no need to double tap the home button)
  • Tapping the camera icon will make the lock screen bounce
  • The camera icon looks more like a “grabber” and not a button
  • The slide to unlock knob is a little shortened allowing the full “slide to unlock” text to be shown

  Camera Grabber este util doar pentru iOS 5.0/5.0.1 si este disponibil gratuit in Cydia.