Cry Translator translates babies' cries

crytrans We remain in the field of strange and probably pointless applications and continue with Cry Translator an iPhone application that should translate babies' cries. But how does this wonderful application manage to suddenly translate what moms and dads have been trying for centuries? Well, using an "intelligent arithmetic algorithm" it analyzes the tonality, strength, and volume of the baby's cries and tells you if he is hungry, sleepy, stressed, bored or bothered by something.

I have to admit that this is not the first attempt to interpret the sounds of babies, there were many others that were a monumental failure, I would put them in the category of those who try to interpret the barking of a dog, the meowing of a cat, the mooing of a cow, etc...

And to make everything affordable, the application costs neither more nor less than $29.99 (bonus, $9.99 until after the holidays). Nothing is too expensive for the little one in the family, right? If you are interested in this application, you can see a video about it here.


  1. [...] @zaone's website I came across the "Cry Translator" application... GOOD. But let's see what it does? Or maybe what should […]