Customization with Winterboard - is it worth it or not?

Winterboard is an application from Cydia (available for quite a long time) that offers you the simplest solution for total customization of your phone. Winterboard was made by saurik, the developer of the Cydia application, and is currently the most used application for customizing the phone, for which there are also the most themes. Winterboard works on the basis of mobilesubstrates that run constantly in the background as long as the themes/icons for customization are selected from the application.

Winterboard is an application that requires quite a lot of resources to function, but it offers total customization for free for anyone. If you have a 2G/3G iPhone, then using Winterboard is not recommended because it complicates the system a lot, in fact it complicates it to the point where it refuses to start applications or enters safe mode due to the lack of a sufficient amount of RAM. If you have an iPhone 3GS/4, then Winterboard is worth using (if you want to customize your phone) because both terminals have enough RAM memory/processing power to cope with both the Winterboard application and any application open on the phone.

Winterboard is also a source of errors and problems because not all themes are made perfectly and not all applications are 100% compatible with Winterboard. Unfortunately, the application must also be updated almost every iOS update, so there is a risk that after an iOS update you will not be able to use it at all or that you will use it and create instability in the system.

I for one do not use Winterboard for customization, but I noticed that for iPhone 4 some themes adapted for Retina Display appeared, so it is very possible to install Winterboard as soon as a jailbreak solution for iOS 4.1 appears. Do you use Winterboard for customization? Are you tired of how iOS looks? Would you like me to make a special page with iPhone themes?