iPhone owners are the most vulnerable to phishing attacks

A recent study done by the company Trusteer(specialized in providing solutions for securing the devices with which we connect to the Internet) indicates that mobile terminal users are much more vulnerable to phishing attacks than desktop users. The study shows that of all phishing attacks monitored by the company, 65% were successful on iPhone terminals, 16% on iPad, 9% on Android terminals, 8% on Blackberry terminals and only 2% on Symbian operating system terminals . The study is worrying for iPhone owners because it shows us how vulnerable we are to this type of attacks, but the human factor must also be taken into account.

We could say that iPhone users are the most successful in these attacks because they use the Internet more, but we would be wrong because the results are based on phishing attacks via e-mail. For Blackberry users, there is a safety method that warns the user when he clicks on a link in an e-mail, but not for iOS and not for Android, and yet those with Android are less vulnerable. To be honest, either these results were rigged, because the difference is huge, or some iPhone users are just so easily fooled.