Dreamboard 1.0-1 available in Cydia, prevents the use of the Edroid theme

Today, version 1.0-1 of Dreamboard, the theme platform that would completely replace Winterboard, was released. The previous version was full of bugs that many users reported and the new version unfortunately brings even more headaches. This time it comes with new bugs and blocks the possibility to set the Edroid theme for your terminal. Unfortunately, the developer of the application did not specify any information about the changes brought by version 1.0-1, but if you have the old version, I recommend you not to update to the new one yet.

For those who have installed the new version of Dreamboard, there is a method to make the application apply the Edroid theme. Install from xsellize MobileTerminal for iOS 4 repo, open MobileTermina, login as administrator then run command ln-s / User / Library / DreamBoard / DreamBoard and the application should work normally. This morning I wrote about the first theme under development for Dreamboard and I recommend you to read that article because it will give you an idea about what is to come for this platform.