Apple has a financial reserve of over 66 billion dollars

During the conference for the presentation of the financial results that took place in the middle of this week, Tim Cook announced that Apple has more than 66 billion dollars collected in its own accounts. We are talking here about money that can be accessed at any time, about money that sits and collects interest, about a sum of money that could finance Romania for half a year. In comparison, Google has only 37 billion dollars accumulated in its own accounts, but Google has acquired quite a few companies lately.

"In its latest earnings report on Wednesday, Apple recorded cash and cash equivalents of $65.8 billion, adding to the previous quarter by about $6 billion. The sum easily trumps Apple's peers. Google, which boasts the second-largest cash pile, reported $36.7 billion in cash last week, less than half of Apple's war chest [sic]," Evelyn M. Rusli reports for The New York Times.

Considering the enormous amount of money that Apple has available, what will the company buy in the near future? It is very possible that they will not buy anything at all or it is very possible that they will buy Netflix or Foursquare. Apple collects a lot of money for something, no one knows why, but at the moment it could buy almost any company on the planet with the money it has. Steve Jobs is probably preparing "the next big thing" and I hope we will see it as soon as possible.


  1. Hello,

    Faci o treaba tare buna cu blogul asta. L-am descoperit ieri si sunt foarte incantat de ce am gasit aici. Am o rugaminte totusi… citeste de vreo 2 ori articolele inainte sa le publici… am gasit foarte multe greseli. De exemplu:

    de dolariadunati

    are nu peste 66 miliarde -> suna aiurea

    desore o suma

    eproprii insa

  2. Sa cumpere Microsoft:)))
    Doar jumate de an spui? Pai eu cred ca vreo 2 aproape, bugetul fiind vreo 30 de miliarde. Nu te lua dupa pib

  3. 66 miliarde? Pfoa, astia nu se mai satura :). Sigur vor cumpara o companie mare, vor sa arate cat de mari si tari sunt ei :). Pot cumpara si o tara, sau poate vor construi o racheta pentru a trimite primul IPhone pe Marte =)).

  4. @Zaone, bugetul de stat se refera doar la cel public, cu care lucreaza organele publice. In dependenta de tara, el oscileaza intre 10 si 95% din PIB (valoare maxima in tarile comuniste, unde sectorul public e covarsitor). In Romania PIB-ul e de peste 110 mlrd EUR, iar bugetul de stat, din cate stiu eu, la voi e in jur de 20-30 la suta din PIB

  5. Nu pot prelua cu totul o companie listată la bursă (de ex. Google, sau Microsoft), sunt milioane de acțiuni la milioane de acționari, este aproape imposibil de realizat și tot efortul nu cred că se merită.

  6. @Blitzkrieg, pe wikipedia chiar se specifica ca PIB-ul este aratat la PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), adica la paritatea de cumparare a leului cu dolarul american, adica care ar fi PIB-ul, daca preturile din RO ar fi exact ca in US. PIB real este cam 115 mlrd, dupa cate tin minte. Daca imparti acele aproape 200 mlrd la 115, coeficientul respectiv iti arata nivelul preturilor medii pe economie in Romania comparativ cu SUA, si deci e cam 60%. Daca e sa luam PIB-ul dupa PPP al Chinei, rezulta ca aceasta a intrecut SUA acum cativa ani, ceea ce nu este chiar corect.