Celeste compatible with iOS 4.3.3

Probably many have been waiting for this version for some time, so I am happy to announce that starting today Celeste is compatible with iOS 4.3.3. Yesterday, the ActionMenu plugin on which Celeste depends to function was updated and with it Celeste became compatible with iOS 4.3.3. Unfortunately, this compatibility is not complete because some functions of Celeste do not yet work on iOS 4.3.3 and among them is the possibility to send songs from the iPod library. Of course, there are other small functionality problems, so the developers at cocoanutapps must check the problems and update the application to work correctly with iOS 4.3.3.

Celeste can be bought from Cydia for $9.99, but be careful because it doesn't work properly with iOS 4.3.3 for now. You will be able to send certain files but not the music from the iPod library. Do not forget that at the moment Celeste is the only application that allows us to send files via Bluetooth from an iDevice to any other device or computer.