Survey: iPhone 4S - are you willing to buy it?

    For now, I am a little disappointed iPhone 4S and I say this because I was expecting a bigger screen, not another design, which would not have mattered much to me anyway. On the hardware side, the device is brought in line with the rest of the Androids and the camera could turn out to be a few classes above those existing in smartphones. I think the Siri system is interesting and I want to test it, but for now I'm slightly disappointed by what Apple presented last night, but I can't form an opinion about the new device before I hold it in my hand.

     I saw that many of you share my feeling and before you rush to the Samsung factory to get a Galaxy S II, I would say to wait because you might make a mistake. A poorly colored 4.3 inch screen that does not display images in outside light and 1 GB of RAM, which Android does not know how to use effectively anyway, are not the solution at the moment, just as a 5.3 inch screen is not a good idea. As soon as I get an iPhone 4S I will do a comparison with the SGS II to give you some insight into what awaits you on the other side of the barricade.

       Until another one...

[Poll id = "67"]