Video: The iPhone application that simplifies CAD presentations


  iDevices are extremely versatile devices that can be used for a variety of tasks and in the video above we have PROVEN a new way to make presentations using CAD. The iDevice equipped with a special application allows users to control CAD presentations made using a Mac. The application uses the gyroscope of the iPhone 4/4S terminals and the touch screen to allow users to control the presentation and everything can be applied to any kind of presentations.

It's designed to be able to control the model all in one hand, so you discuss a design and control it passively. From my experience, I generally need my other hand to make extravagant gestures (everyone knows you can't talk about a design without doing so).

  The idea is very interesting and can represent a starting point for application developers who could make applications with similar functions but for other presentation systems. Below is a demonstration of how an iPad application designed by the same company and already available in the AApp Store works.
