Apple has a monetary reserve of almost 100 billion dollars, most of the receipts are produced by the iPhone

  Last night in the frame the conference to announce the financial results for Q1 2012 Apple representatives announced that at the moment the company has a monetary reserve of almost 97 billion dollars, 17 billion dollars higher than the one it had 3 months ago. 60% of this money is available in accounts outside the US and a large majority of them do not represent liquid money available at any time to the company. Although it has an impressive monetary reserve, Apple will continue to invest in various businesses with the help of which it will be able to increase its profit in the coming years.

We're actively discussing uses of our cash balance, and have no specifics to share. In the meantime, we continue to be disciplined with cash, and are not letting it burn a hole in our pockets. We have always discussed, internally with the management team and with our board, our cash. We recognize that the cash is growing for all the right reasons. And I would characterize our discussions today as active as what makes the most sense to do.

   Regarding sources of revenue of the Apple company, the image above proves that the iPhone terminal brings a little more than half of the money that enters the company's accounts, and this says a lot about the importance of the device. If in Q4 2011 the iPad 2 tablet brought considerable amounts of money for Apple, in Q1 2012 the iPhone is the "king" and no other Apple product comes close to the sales generated by it. Basically, Apple exists now thanks to the iPhone and although the iPhone 4S was a disappointing device, in the end it turned out to be extremely profitable.