TikTok Announces New Rules in Romania, which Change in the Platform

TikTok Announces New Rules Romania Change Platform

Creators play a fundamental role in keeping a safe and fun environment for everyone on TikTok. Thus, the platform focuses on providing community members with information about TikTok's policies and tools to help them express themselves and connect with others safely. Today, TikTok is announcing an update to its Community Guidelines to provide even more information on the platform's rules, as well as introducing new features to further support creators in understanding TikTok's policies and checking their account status.

More clarity on TikTok's rules

The TikTok Community Rules are the rules and standards that apply to everyone on the platform. These updates, which will take effect starting next month, build on the platform's ongoing work to provide better understanding and transparency around TikTok's rules and how they are enforced.

As such, TikTok has added and updated definitions to provide more clarity on the platform's policies, such as those on hate speech or medical misinformation. TikTok has also included more details on how features are moderated, such as the search option, the LIVE feature, and the For You stream.

Additionally, the platform is announcing updates to the eligibility standards for the For You stream to further help create a safer, more audience-friendly experience on TikTok. In addition, the platform is introducing a new policy whereby an account becomes ineligible for recommendation in the Totally For You stream if the creator repeatedly posts content that violates the stream's standards.

This will make the creator's account and content harder to find through the search function. Furthermore, the platform will send notifications to creators when their account has been restricted in this way, with the possibility to appeal the decision.

Supporting creators to understand TikTok's rules

TikTok is always looking for opportunities to help creators better understand the platform's rules, and has introduced warnings that creators receive when they violate the Community Guidelines. The first strike does not add to an account's strike total, unlike future violations. TikTok also sends notifications to creators about the rule they broke and how they can appeal the decision if they think it's wrong. Zero tolerance policies (such as hate speech) are not eligible for these reminders and accounts will be removed immediately.

More information on account status for creators

TikTok will make it easier for creators to check their account status by introducing the "Account Verification" feature. Thus, through the new function, creators will be able to analyze their account, but also the last 30 posts and quickly check if they align with the rules on TikTok.

Through Account Verification, creators will also be able to find out if access to various features, such as comments or direct messages, has been restricted due to violations. Additionally, creators will be able to see if posts have been removed for violating TikTok's rules or restricted for recommendation in the For You stream.

With this information, creators will be able to better understand how their content and behavior may affect their activity on the platform, but also how they can appeal decisions if they believe they are erroneous. The feature comes as an addition to the "Account Status" page introduced last year, which lists violations on creator-made videos.

Setting standards for creators who are part of TikTok programs

TikTok announces the introduction of the TikTok Creator Code of Conduct, which will take effect in the coming weeks. The Code will include the standards that creators who take part in TikTok programs, features, events or campaigns must follow both on and off the platform, in addition to the TikTok Community Rules and Terms of Service.

The platform believes that involvement in these programs represents an opportunity, but also an additional responsibility, and the code will give creators the guarantee that the other participants involved also meet these standards.

TikTok will continue to focus on supporting the community, and creators in particular, and providing them with the information they need to better understand what TikTok's rules are and how they are enforced, to provide a safer experience for over one billion people. on TikTok.