RemoveOtherLanguages ​​removes unused languages ​​from iOS 5

  RemoveOtherLanguages ​​is a tweak recently released in Cydia that allows iDevice owners to delete unused languages ​​from their terminal. The tweak works with the help of the MobileTerminal application in which users have to run several commands to start and finish the deletion process. Theoretically, deleting these languages ​​together with the voice commands available for them frees up space on your terminal, and that's about it because you won't notice improvements in the device's performance.

  RemoveOtherLanguages ​​does not delete the active language in the terminal plus the English one, so it would be useful to activate the Romanian language before starting.

  • Enter the Cydia repo and download RemoveOtherLanguages ​​iOS 5.
  • Install MobileTerminal from the Xsellize repo and open it.
  • type su root and enter Alpine as the password (or the one modified by you if you have done this).
  • Enter the command sh then key y, y and again y (when asked) to finish the process and reset the device.

  After the reset, you should no longer have any language listed in Settings>General>International>Language. The tweak only works on iOS 5.

Thanks to M.