Quick Brightness allows you to quickly change the brightness of your iDevice screen without jailbreaking

  I don't know what happened at Apple lately, but it seems that the company's engineers allow the publication in the App Store of some applications that make it easier for us to manage some iOS functions. According to the applications that allowed quick activation/deactivation of the Bluetooth function, today I have for you an application that allows you to quickly change the settings regarding the brightness of the screen of your iDevice. I'm talking about Quick Brightness, an application that, as soon as it's installed and opened from Springboard, allows you to quickly change the brightness of your iDevice's screen.

Quick Brightness or QBright for short, is the fastest way to change the brightness on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. By simply launching the app you have a predefined brightness level. No more going into the settings menu to change the brightness, just keep the QBright app on your home screen and open it whenever you want to quickly change your brightness.

  Practically using Quick Brightness we shorten the process of changing the brightness of our iDevice screen a little, but don't think that you are doing something revolutionary here. The application also has a dedicated menu in the Settings application of iOS, so this is how the connection is made with the system functions and its presence in the App Store is unusual. The application appeared 2 days ago in the Apple store, it has not been withdrawn yet, so I recommend you to download it while you still have the chance.

Initial price:
Quick Brightness



Developer: Atominx Ltd.
Category: Utilities

Description: One Touch Brightness

ZDNET – 'If you've ever wanted to quickly change your iPhone or iPad's brightness setting without traversing the Settings app, This is the app for you.'

Quick Brightness or QBrig…

The size of the application is: 0.6 Mb


  1. +1 AlinCatalin, but this is also good.. when I go out, I always have to increase the Brightness 😀 because at home I set it to approx. 20-30%

  2. very interesting. I've been looking for flash launch for some time, which is no longer in the app store, but I haven't found it anywhere. If there is someone who has it, send it to me by email...

  3. Perfect application!
    The brightness sensor (auto-brightness) doesn't really work for them 🙂
    At least indoors, the brightness of the screen drops too much.
    That's how I managed to set 30% for indoors in the evening and 50% indoors during the day!
    A simple press and done!