This is how the applications and the keyboard from iOS 6 will look on the 4-inch screen of the iPhone 5

  We have known for a few days that the iOS 6 application simulator is capable of running applications at 1136 x 640 resolution which the terminal would have iPhone 5 with a 4-inch screen, and now we know that Apple has implemented already an application scaling system. Practically, some native applications already have the necessary graphics to run in this mode, the system applications display the information accordingly, the Springboard knows that it must list more applications, everything being prepared for the launch of the new terminal.

  The interesting part of the system designed by Apple lies in the fact that applications that are not optimized for this resolution display a black bar at the bottom/top of the screen and users will know that they must be updated to function properly. YET iOS 6 it seems to be optimized to work at this resolution, it knows how to scale applications and menus without problems, so all that remains is for Apple to actually launch the smartphone.

  From the applications we move to the iOS keyboard because it will be modified in the new iPhone 5, but the modification only occurs if we are talking about the landscape version of the keyboard. In landscape the keyboard is longer than normal, but in portrait mode it is not changed at all considering that the portrait resolution has not been changed either.


  1. Daca nu vor aduce ceva ( revolutionar ) ca sa zici ca nu se va simti acel spatiu gol ( ar putea pune butoane virtuale de ex. ) va fi un piece of shit iphone 5 🙂 .

  2. Daca asa va arata tastatura in landscape raman la iphone ul meu. Si nu cred ca sunt imagini reale pentru ca mai sus avem un screenshot cu ecranul blocat si lipseste sliderul pentru camera

  3. OMG…. sunt probabil imagini facute in iphone simulator, nu exista telefonul… cum vrei sa fie imagini reale? sunt doar niste speculatii in legatura cu toata chestia iphone 5, poate nici nu se va numi asa, poate se va numi “the new iphone”
    Pe mine chiar a inceput sa ma lase rece toate stirile astea gen a mai aparut un buton pe ebay… urmea sa vedem un video despre cum va arata noul iphone 5 pus la ureche, cum vom juca ping pong cu noua paleta apple… etc…

  4. In ecranul “slide to unlock” dispare optiunea de camera?sau sunt doar alte presupuneri?fiindca am observat ca si in ecranele ” calculator” si ” microfon” ramane un gol in partea de jos…

  5. Eu vorbesc din punctul meu de vedere, cei care cumpara un brand, treaba lor… dar eu cu siguranta nu voi cumpara daca va fi design-ul acesta cel final.