Untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1 will be compatible with all iOS 6.1 compatible iDevices

  Although I already told you that untethered jailbreakFor the iOS 6.1 it will be compatible with all iPhone, iPad si iPod Touchthe ones that can install iOS 6.1, and now we have solid confirmation from MuscleNerd. The hacker announced today on Twitter that all 22 iDevices compatible with iOS 6.1 (including Apple TV 2) will be able to be jailbroken as soon as the solution of untethered jailbreak will become public, so there is no doubt that a terminal will not be exploited. There is a possibility that the solution of jailbreak to appear this week, if iOS 6.1 will be released publicly, but otherwise the team will not release it, so you don't have to think about anything else.


  1. @zaone – how about.. 6.1 released with a 128gb iPad version? some prices also appeared.. as 6.1 beta 5 doesn't expire, I can keep it quiet beta 5 until March.. especially since there is world mobile congress in Barcelona in February.. so I'm going in March..

  2. @sergiu: The prices were logical, 100 dollars/euro more than the current ones. I don't really see how Apple would change MWC 2013 by launching an iPad tablet with 128 GB of storage space. Basically, the tablet may appear in the fall.