Top 10: The most important news of the week on - 18.03.2012 - 24.03.2012 week in review  This week started quietly, but Tuesday Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), finally launched iOS 6.1.3 blocking the solution of untethered jailbreak evasi0n. Although the new version of iOS solved the problems that allowed the removal of passcodes, unfortunately it contains a new vulnerability, and iOS 6.1.4 it will most likely be released in the coming weeks. Continuing, I remind you that I learned a lot of new things about iPhone 5S, iPad 5 si iPad Mini 2, and about iOS 7 we now know that it will have a slightly modified design thanks to Jony Ive.

  Next week is not expected to be too busy, although I'm sure we'll hear something new about future Apple products.

  1. iPhone 5S - the Home button, the vibrating motor and the volume buttons appear on the Internet
  2. The iPhone 5S will be launched in the summer together with a cheap iPhone that will not have a Retina Display
  3. iOS 7 will have a changed design thanks to Jony Ive
  4. iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2 would be produced without Samsung screens
  5. iPhone 5S with a new processor and a better camera should reach the market in July at the latest
  6. 18 million iDevices have been jailbroken using evasi0n
  7. iOS 6.1.3 jailbreak and restore - everything you need to know
  8. Tutorial: Jailbreak iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 on iOS 6.1.3 using redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 3 (Windows Mac)
  9. iOS 6.1.3 has been released by Apple
  10. iPhone 5S will have an extremely important new function