Mark Zuckerberg talks about the relationship between Facebook and Apple


  Last night Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO Facebook, he presented Facebook Home on the stage of a conference, he answered many questions and spoke about the relationship between Facebook and Apple. He was of course asked if Facebook Home will ever reach iOS, and his answer did not shock anyone, Facebook not being able to control what Apple does. Zuckerberg claims that Facebook collaborates with Apple for the implementation of new functions related to the social network, probably the implementation of Facebook Home was also discussed, but considering that iOS is a closed system, only Apple decides what goes in or out of it.

We have a pretty good partnership with Apple, but they want to own the whole experience themselves. There aren't a lot of bridges between us and Google, but we are aligned with their open philosophy. So do you think in, say, two years you will have this on the iPhone? "That's above my pay grade to be able to answer that." Look, I would love for that answer to be yes. Facebook is in a very different place than Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung, and Microsoft. We are trying to build a community. We have a billion people using our services now, and we want to get to 3 or 5 billion one day. We're going to do that by building the best experience across all devices. Android is growing quickly, and we're excited that the platform is open and that it allows us to build these great experiences.

  Facebook doesn't have such a great relationship with Google, but modifying Android is much easier, and Facebook prefers to offer Home for tens or hundreds of millions of users, preferring not to use iOS. In Android, Facebook Home represents a substantial change in the experience of using mobile terminals, in iOS this would be impossible, Apple having to modify the Springboard and offer Facebook the foreground in its iOS, which those from Cupertino will never do it.


  1. sincer mie mi se pare o chestie mai mult pentru copii de clasa a 8-a care toata ziua nu au altceva de facut decat sa stea pe fb si sa posteze tot felul de prostii….
    am vazut si acel video in care este prezentat si nu m-a atras nici macar cat sa las acel video sa ruleze pana la sfarsit….
    din punctul meu de vedere un device sau idevice cu acest fb home pe el pierde foarte mult din seriozitate si nu numai , devenind cel mult o jucarie pentru copii…..

  2. nustiu ce sa zic, deja tot la a doua iesire vad oamenii cu laptop-ul pe masa cu 10 chat-uri deschise de fb, asa ca poate un imbold de schimbare pt Apple va veni de unde ma asteptam cel mai putin, de la Facebook

  3. De aici reiese ca apple are un system de operare bun, si nu o plastelina infecta. Ma lipsesc de FB home si stiu ca am ceva sigur in mana,

  4. Asa zice si papagalul din colivie cand se uita la vrabia de afara: la ce-mi trebuie mie sa zbor? Stapanul ii da apa si graunte, are pene faine deci e cel mai tare.

  5. La retardatii de americani prinde bine ca lenea e mare de aia ajung la 300 de kg,totul trebuie sa fie home sa nu miste degetelu prea mult