John Stuart parodies the senatorial commission that investigated Apple and Tim Cook's testimony (Video)


  Although Tim Cook and other members of Apple's management team were present this week in Washington to answer before a senatorial committee about the several tens of billions of dollars for which he did not pay taxes, the senators' questions were not even so hard for the company. The famous comedian John Stuart took some fragments of the discussions and commented on them in his daily show, and if you don't know how to liven up your evening, I recommend you watch the video clip above.


  1. How right Stuart is in this, sad but true.... These are the commissions that judge Apple, that offer patent Christianity, that take their part in absolutely everything. Tens of billions unpaid to the state, but as Cook says, Apple is alive in simplicity and we give you nano taxes:))
    Judges of fried fish who throw themselves into phrases of love and praise for Apple, you realize how impartial these zombies are, they cannot be called human.