Google Play generates almost 3 times less money than the App Store

  App Storeis the largest and most profitable virtual application store on the globe, and a recent study made by Distimo again highlights the very large differences in terms of the revenues generated by the store Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), and that of Google. Despite the fact that Google Play managed to register an 8% increase in profit, for now the Google company store is at a great distance from App Store in terms of income, and the image above explains things very well.

  Google managed to attract a lot of interest from Europeans and Asians, thus registering this 8% increase in revenues, all at the expense of Apple. Even if Google manages to generate more money, most developers still prefer Apple's App Store, mainly thanks to the fact that there is a base of users willing to pay for applications, while in Google Play most users are only looking for applications free, or pirate existing ones.


  1. This is because they have fewer applications for money. There are so many applications that my friend (on Android) has for free and we have them for money...

  2. That's because they have something to sell and it's worth the money; iTunes doesn't just sell applications, you know? You only have Apple products:))

  3. @Adri: You know it's only about the App Store and your statement has nothing to do with what we were talking about, right?
    Yes, they are free and full of ads, they kill the battery because of them, that's because people don't buy in Android.

  4. If a refund could be made in the App Store, I don't think there would be the same difference. I also said a few days ago in another article of yours, I don't think there is an iDevice user who hasn't bought some junk application (some even more). In Google Play you at least have the chance to screw up in a quarter of an hour, but here if you've bought something you'll s***0 and move on...

  5. how good was a "Like" button because I see above how it is explained in just two words why this difference is so big...
    everyone knows that the real reason for this difference lies in the fact that there are an enormous number of free applications for Android and we have to pay for them and this without taking into account that you cannot make a refund and why not without taking into account calculate the simplicity with which you can get almost any application you want from play for free, regardless of how much it costs....
    I for one say that apple loses enormously through this 8% which apparently is a small percentage, but in reality it is huge……..some of you will understand what I mean

  6. people don't buy on Android for 2 big reasons:
    1. A lot of good applications are free
    2. You can install pirated applications without "jailbreaking"

  7. Markovnikov is right, normally people don't buy when you can get any application for free from the internet and install it without any hassle.