p0sixspwn jailbreak leaves us without an important exploit that could be used to jailbreak future versions of iOS 7 or iOS 8

  If you imagine that the drama related to the solutions of jailbreak launched for iOS 6.1.3 - iOS 7 it's over, well I tell you that you are badly deceived. Pod2G, one of the hackers who developed evasion7 jailbreak for iOS 7, he stated just a few minutes ago that p0sixspwn jailbreakreleased today for iOS 6.1.3, iOS 6.1.4 si iOS 6.1.5 uses an important exploit that could be used to do jailbreakk future versions of iOS 7 or iOS 8. I've known for a few weeks that iH8sn0w provided Evad3rs with exploits that allowed them to jailbreak for iOS 7 because their use in iOS 6 would have compromised them unnecessarily, but it is possible that they were not used in evasi0n7 and they should have arrived in p0sixspwn jailbreak.

  Although releasing a jailbreak solution while Apple is testing beta versions of a major iOS update is stupid, it is equally stupid to destroy an exploit for a version of iOS that is no longer developed. Practically out of arrogance, it seems that the hackers decided to destroy important iOS vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities that would have allowed them to develop future jailbreak solutions much more easily, and you draw the conclusions here yourself. Of course we will have jailbreak solutions in the future, it remains to be seen who will have the courage to develop them.