ayeris – probably the most beautiful theme for Cydia

  Announced for several weeks, the theme yesterday was finally released in Cydia by the graphic designer Surenix, the man who contributed to the design of the interface Cydia and many tweaks or programs for jailbreak. ayeris represents a complete rethinking of the design iOS 7, Surenix preferring to completely redo the icons and graphic elements of many components of applications or menus iOS 7, so if you choose to buy it, you will experience a major change for iOS.

  yesterday has more than 200 icons available for us for the applications installed in iDevices, it completely modifies any interface present in the operating system and has 6 wallpapers specially designed to enhance its design. Practically ayeris will give you the opportunity to enjoy a iOS 7 which Apple could not create, but which a designer with a lot of imagination did and if you want a beautiful change for your terminals, then you will choose ayeris, the theme being available at the price of $4 in Cydia.