ClassicCharge brings back to iOS 7 the classic charging sound of iOS 6

  ClassicCharge is a tweak launched last night in Cydia, and according to its developer, it was designed to bring back in iOS 7 loading sound used by Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), for iOS 6. As you probably already know, Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), chose to modify in iOS 7 many of the sounds used in iOS 6, this is one of them, and if you "missed" it, then you will be able to have it from now on. ClassicCharge activates the loading sound immediately after its installation from Cydia, it being available for free in the repo ModMyi.

This Winterboard theme gives you the iOS 6 charging sound when you plug your device in! Make your device one step closer to iOS 6!