Jailbreak iOS 8.1 – Pangu 8.0-8.1.x Untether v0.3 solves problems with autonomy and not only

  Jailbreak iOS 8.1 was updated last night by the hackers at Pangu, the package Pangu 8.0-8.1.x Untethered v0.3 being released in Cydia for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch to solve a very important problem. Specifically, the update for Pangu 8.0-8.1.x Untethered fixes an issue that caused iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches with 32-bit processors to overheat, with a process running endlessly in the background consuming power and overheating the terminals.

Version 0.3 of this package fixes the issue where, on 32-bit devices (iPod 5, iPhone 4S/5, iPad 2/3/4, iPad Mini 1) a specific background process (launchd) would sometimes "spin", burning CPU and battery, or even heating up.

  Jailbreak iOS 8.1 it can be updated through the Cydia application, after installing the package a restart of your terminal is required for the update to take effect. Given that Pangu8 jailbreak it was released a little while ago, updates for it will come in the coming weeks, so any problems that exist at the moment will be solved by the hackers of the Pangu team through similar updates released in Cydia.

UPDATE: The package has been withdrawn because it causes performance issues for owners of iDevices with 64-bit processors. If you already managed to update last night and you have problems using your iDevices, you have nothing else to do but wait or do a restore.

Some users on 64-bit devices are reporting mild to serious issues with this package. According to the Pangu team, they have changed almost nothing on 64-bit, and have not seen the issue themselves in their testing. We have pulled the package anyway, and the people at Pangu are working on doing a more detailed analysis of the issue.


  1. Daca intradevar reZolva problema autonomiei ar fi excelent sa il reintroduca pt ca pe un 4S cu absolut tot ce consuma energie baterie IOS8 suge efectiv bateria

  2. zaone am întrebare,scuze ca sunt Off topic dar am cumpărat ieri un iPad mini si are ios 6 pe el..si update pot sa fac doar la 8.1..crezi ca o sa meargă ok după ori foarte greu ?sa fac updatw sau nu ?mersi

  3. la fel si la mine , am facut update la iphone 6 si la un ipad 3 si pare ca nu se mai incalzeste ipd-ul la utilizare , acum sa vedem la ip6 cat tine bateria , la safari merge ok doar unele pagini nu se deschid , probabil ii din situl respectiv problema, eu folosesc chrome in loc de safarii si merge k

  4. Si mie inca imi apare acest update…a fost rebagat sau nu l-au scos deloc ? Astept unda verde din partea ta, zaone !

  5. Ce am văzut interesant si merge AppSync Unified Beta ,testat pus pe iPhone 6 plus IGO primo dar problema este la rezoluție

  6. @Vergea Marian Cristinel de azi dimineata ora 9 incarcat full bateria adica 1766mAh potrivit aplicatiei iBatteryInfoPro utilizat in call 10 min cu Wifi activat si 30-40 min utilizat youtube are acuma mAh adica 76%

  7. @gsmbrothers in prima zi cand am facut jailbreak(ieri) mi s-a descarcat bateria de la 10 dim pana la 4 fara prea mult omor… dupa a 2 a incarcare am facut peste 6 ore utilizare si mai aveam 23% . Cred ca si-a revenit si tine bine . Iphone 6 .

  8. Angelo- poti face update linistit,functioneaza perfect,eu folosesc in ipad mini de 2 luni,are ios 8.1 acum,este super beton.Daca faci si Jb ,instaleaza din Cydia – Speed Intensifier si te joci manual cu viteza procesorului,ai dai viteza care o vrei tu,adica il faci ipad air 🙂

  9. Eu nu inteleg un lucru.Cu acest update plus evident jailbreak,se rezolva bugurile cu bateria din ios 8.1 sau doar bugurile din versiunea anterioara de jailbreak ?