KillBoard brings new functions to the iOS task switcher


  KillBoard is a tweak available since last night in Cydia for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch owners, and with its help we can implement a new functionality for the task switcher iOS 8. In the image above you can see the novelty brought by KillBoard for us, giving us the opportunity to restart, close, respring or enter safe mode of the terminals. Normally these actions cannot be performed without tweaks, some of them can be done using the dedicated buttons of Apple products.

A simple App Switcher tweak that gives users the option to respring, reboot, shutdown, and go into safemode. KillBoard can be activated by swiping up on the home screen page inside the app switcher. Compatible with all iDevices running iOS 8 or later.

  KillBoard is available for free download from the repo BigBoss al Cydia.