CallLogPro 8 brings a new way to manage the call list in iOS

CallLogPro 8

  CallLogPro 8 is a new application during the last night in Cydia for our iDevices, and with its help we can manage the call list of the terminals in a completely new way iPhone. The image above shows the interface of the application installed after the jailbreak and it offers a multitude of options for viewing the call list, to delete entries from the call book more quickly, but not only that, the developer thinking of the application as an informational hub.

CallLogPro 8 is a FREE update for all CallLogPro users. Now with iOS 8.X and iPhone 6 and 6 Plus support. CallLogPro allows you to manage your call history and to delete call records one by one or all. This works on all firmwares starting from iOS 8.0. Now with a beautiful & elegant UI and rewritten from scratch to use the latest features of iOS.

  CallLogPro 8 Is available for DOWNLOAD at the price of $2.99 in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.