The co-founder of Apple believes that we are slaves to technology

Steve Wozniak robot slaves -

Steve Wozniak is one of the co-founders Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), who is still alive and is the most vocal and recognized among them, and in a recent interview he talked about how computers influence our lives. According to Wozniak, people have become slaves to computers, he claims that mankind attaches too much importance to machines of any kind, this problem existing for more than two centuries.

Steve Wozniak he is not talking now for the first time about the way people treat computers and the various machines that make our lives easier, he is still campaigning for the limitation of artificial intelligence. Being one of those who contributed to the evolution of computers, Steve Wozniak claims that a few decades ago these electronic products were not intended to be used for the purposes we know today, but their change was natural.

The machines won 200 years ago. We made them too important. That makes us the family pet. I love technology, to try it out myself. I've got at least 5 iPhones. … I have some Android phones. A lot of our schools slow students down. We put computers in schools and the kids don't come out thinking any better. The machines won 200 years ago. We made them too important. That makes us the family pet.

Steve Wozniak use a multitude of electronic products in everyday life and believes that despite their usefulness, they should be kept away from young people, both in schools and at home. He claims that young people learn from a young age to give too much importance to computers, and this must be changed in order to give children the opportunity to choose for themselves what the usefulness of these products is.

You can read more interesting details in the interview given by Wozniak.


  1. Foarte adevărat ceea ce spune !!! Tehnologia trebuie folosită pentru a te ajuta sa îți rezolvi problemele sau treburile care le ai de făcut si atât. Tehnologia nu înseamnă socializare si nicidecum fericire !!