The1S – an elegant iPhone theme

The1S is a theme available since last night in Cydia for our iPhones and iPod Touches, and with its help we can apply an interesting change to the interface of the main application screen of iOS 8 or iOS 9.

The1S is compatible only with iPhone terminals released between iPhone 5S si iPhone 6S, offering over 100 icons specially created by the developer along with new badges, a widget with weather information and a new interface for the dock and the Settings application.

The1s is compatible for winterboard and anemone and iOS 8 through 9 and on the iPhone 5s through 6s. It comes with 100 themed icons and options for different badges, clock, dock and settings. In the upcoming updates I will add more icons and iconomatic options.

The1S is available for download from the repo ZodTTD & MacCiti following this link.

The1S -