What are the most used applications globally?

A recent study analyzed the way smartphone owners use their devices, providing details both for the way of use in the US, but also in other areas of the planet, and below you can see the results reported for us the other day.

According to this study, in the US a smartphone user has, on average, 37 applications installed, the number drops to 33 if we look at Europeans, but both categories of users use an average of 12 applications daily in their terminals, that is almost a third of total.

The interesting part is that although users use, on average, 12 applications daily, only 3 of them add up to 80% of daily use, so there is a hard core of applications that users cannot part with and that provide them with the main functionality for their smartphone.

Now if you are wondering which are the most used applications by smartphone users, well in the US we are talking about Facebook, Google Chrome and YouTube, while in Europe we are talking about Facebook, WhatsApp Messenger and Google Chrome.

Every day, Americans spend 5 hours using the three applications, the time period increasing to 4 hours in the case of Europeans, and the period of use is quite normal for a smartphone, considering that this is only part of what users do daily.

Having said that, how well does this data apply to you?

the most used applications globally