This is what the new application development center in Naples looks like

The other day I told you that Apple opens a new academy to teach the Italians how to develop applications for the iOS platform, which will operate in a newly built campus, most likely in partnership with the Federico II University in Naples.

The new campus will be the host for over 600 students who will attend the courses prepared by the Apple company, they will present the best methods by which applications can be developed for the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, as well as revolutionary technologies for the development of applications .

We are talking about an ultra-modern center built by the Apple company partially as part of an agreement with the Italian tax authorities, those from Cupertino being exempted from fines and paying taxes for the investment they are going to make in Naples, the courses will be free for all those interested.

This ultra-modern center is only one of the 4 that Apple intends to open this year and next year, apart from Italy, the American company is interested in opening similar centers in Brazil, India or Indonesia, with over 2000 students going to learn for free how to develop applications for iOS.

Naples application development center

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