Retrofit iOS9 – an elegant theme for iOS 9

Retrofit iOS9 is a new elegant theme for iOS 9 launched last night in Cydia for our iPhone, iPad and iPod Touches, and with its help we can implement an important change for the interface of the operating system, but only if you have previously jailbroken it.

According to the developer Retrofit iOS9, the theme has no less than 960 retro icons for our iDevices, 2 themes for the dock, new badges for applications, a new interface for folders and changes for the interface of other native applications of the operating system, so we are talking about a major update.

Retrofit iOS9 (iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch – ios7/8/9). Amazing Retro style for your icons. Beautiful theme made by Android dev friends @Drumdestroyer.v1.0 of Retrofit contains more than 960 awesome icons with unique style, 2 docks, badge, folder, magicdots, UI.

Retrofit iOS9 is available for download from the repo ZodTTD & MacCiti of Cydia following this link.

Retrofit iOS9