Clife – a colorful and elegant iPhone theme

Clife is a new chlorinated and elegant theme for iPhone terminals that run iOS 10 and have jailbreak, it is presented in the image below. The developer of the Clife theme claims that it represents a combination of a flat design and the skeuomorphism that Apple promoted for the interface of the operating system until the appearance of iOS 7.

Clife is designed to change several hundred icons for the applications installed in our iDevices, while also implementing various changes to the interface. The developer of the Clife theme does not say whether there are any changes to the interface of the native applications of the operating system, but you can see for yourself that there are enough novelties.

"Clife theme is an interesting mix flat and skuemorphism, it will complete the awesomeness! Supports all iPhones running iOS 9 and iOS 10.”

Clife is available for download from Cydia's ZodTTD & MacCiti repo.