WhatsApp - Read Messages Without Read Confirmation

WhatsApp can be modified to not send read receipts to messages, to be protected with a password, or to send messages by email.

WhatsApp is the most popular text messaging application on the planet, currently having no less than 1.2 billion active users worldwide. The WhatsApp application also has many functions for those who use it monthly, but of course not all of them are to the liking of all those who use them, and here comes a tweak called FYA Hack WhatsApp.

With the help of .YA Hack WhatsApp we can modify the WhatsApp application so that we can read the messages without the person who sent them being able to see that we have read them. The WhatsApp application will show us offline all the time, so our friends will not even know when we go online, so we can talk to someone without others knowing that we are using the application at those times.

Next, this tweak allows us to receive by email any messages sent by our friends, so we won't have to open the application at all. The respective emails will contain information about the person who sent us the messages on WhatsApp, the time at which they were received and that's all, but that's all we need from such a function.

Going further, this application allows us to protect all messages in the WhatsApp application with a password, so that no one can access them if they do not know it. The password we set for WhatsApp using this tweak will be encrypted at 256 bits, so it will be extremely difficult to crack if someone steals our iPhone and wants to read the messages.

whatsapp messages read confirmation

Finally, the tweak also has a special settings menu that allows it to be hidden from the iOS settings application, so that no one knows what kind of protection we have for WhatsApp. FYA Hack WhatsApp is available for download from Cydia's BigBoss repo and is compatible with the latest version of WhatsApp for iPhone.


  1. Jailbreak in ios 11... If it doesn't appear in the first versions, it won't appear, for ios 10 it's dead. I mean for those of course with IP 7.