Samsung Galaxy Note 8 – battery life vs iPhone 7 Plus

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has battery autonomy compared to that of the iPhone 7 Plus, and not only that, in a test designed to show us how big the differences are.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has battery autonomy compared to that of a 7 iPhone Plus, and not only that, in a test designed to show us how big the differences between the products are. You can see in the image below how the battery autonomy of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 compares with that of the iPhone 7 Plus and, unfortunately, for those from Samsung, the news is not so good, the Apple phone offering a better user experience.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has an autonomy of only 7 hours and 50 minutes according to the test, unlike the iPhone 7 Plus which offers an autonomy of 9 hours and 7 minutes. The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has an autonomy of almost 2 hours less than that of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 released last year, and this is already the difference in battery capacity of only 10%, the iPhone 7 Plus being surpassed by the model released last year.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 – battery life compared to that of the iPhone 7 Plus

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 battery life iPhone 7 Plus

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 does not manage to complete the Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus or the OnePlus 5 with the autonomy it offers, so we are talking about a disappointment on the part of the Koreans. Google Pixel Xl and LG G6 are surpassed by Samsung Galaxy Note 8 in terms of battery autonomy, so at least here there is a bonus that the phone has in front of the competition, but iPhone 7 Plus is more important.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has a battery with a capacity of 3300 mAh, only 200 mAh less than that of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, the difference in autonomy being enormous. The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 was tested using a method that emulates daily use, so not using a benchmarking application, so you can be happy that the iPhone 7 Plus offers a better autonomy than the Samsung flagship, but charges 2 times more slow.


  1. Tu și Scrb va dați din nou cu părerea, dar tot din nou extrem de proasta
    Sa demonstrat ca bateria implementata de la S8 este extrem de sigura și nu bubuie nici dacă e tăiată
    În plus Samsung nu a putut baga o baterie mai mare în N8 din cauza S Pen ului… Plus ca toată chestia asta e subiectiva, utilizatorii folosind în regim diferit smartphone ul…. Altul mai das, altul mai rar, altul la capacitate maxima (3K, full mode game, luminozitate full), altul mai chibzuit (Full HD, mod economie baterie, sarcinii ușoare etc)
    Dar ca de obicei sunteți neinformați și hai cu trolarea inainte… Sincer nu va ți saturat sa va corecteze cineva mereu?

  2. Iar logica de cimpanzeu,daca bateria nu este problema,din moment ce s pen este fix precum ca cel din note 7 , DE CE note 7 are baterie de 3500 in fizic mai mic fata de note 8 iar cel din urma 3300??

  3. Asta e scor de benchmark. Testele reale arata altceva. E plin pe youtube de ele. In plus, din proprie experienta si testat de mine personal, bateria lui S8+ tine mult mai mult ca cea a lui Iphone 7 Plus.

  4. “Samsung Galaxy Note 8 a fost tetat folosind o metoda care emuleaza utilizarea zilnica, deci nu folosind o aplicatie pentru benchmarking”.
    Scor de benchmarking zici?