iOS vs Android: Which Phones are More Secure?

ios vs android security

iOS si Android they are compared today, together with Windows Phone and PrimeOS, in terms of the level of security that each user benefits from in their everyday life. The study was carried out by the company SecurityLab, which published the table below to show us how quickly security problems are solved for iOS and Android.

According to this study, iOS is the most secure platform of all, benefiting from security updates the fastest, for the most active units and for the longest period of time. Apple also offers the longest security support for its products, 5 years compared to Android, where the period is much shorter.

iOS vs Android - here are which phones are more secure

iOS Android smartphone security

Android has the slowest security updates, some coming a few months after the vulnerabilities in the operating systems are discovered, something known to many. The even worse part is that the propagation of these updates to all products of a manufacturer can take several months in certain cases, and a solution for this has not yet been found.

iOS has always had a huge advantage over Android thanks to the speed with which security issues are resolved for customers, and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. Despite all the efforts made by the Google company, but also by some Android manufacturers, the security of phones remains an unsolved problem for many people.