iOS 12.1. SERIOUS Problem Discovered on iPhone

iOS 12.1. This serious problem was discovered on iPhone phones on the very day of the release of the update for the operating system dedicated to iDevices.

ios 12.1 passcode problem

iOS 12.1. The launch made by the Apple company for iPhones all over the world also brings a very serious problem that should not have existed in such expensive phones. More specifically, iOS 12.1 was released by Apple with a vulnerability that allows the removal of the protection offered by the access code, or Face ID, so that an ill-intentioned person can access the contact list of users' iPhones.

iOS 12.1. In the video clip below, you can see the exploitation of iPhone phones to access the contact list, with the personal assistant Siri having a serious vulnerability that puts the phones at risk. Based on what is shown to us, iOS 12.1 reveals the names of contacts, their phone numbers, the email addresses that are associated with them, whether it is an Apple ID or something else, everything should theoretically be protected by the operating system.

iOS 12.1. SERIOUS Problem Discovered on iPhone

iOS 12.1. This exploit definitely existed in the beta versions of the iPhone operating system, but it was revealed immediately after the final version of the operating system was released on the iPhone. As you can see, exploiting the vulnerability in iOS 12.1 can be done extremely easily, any ill-intentioned person can have access to a set of personal data, all in just a few seconds after getting possession of an iPhone.

iOS 12.1. Other similar vulnerabilities were presented while this update was being tested in beta by Apple, but it seems that they were resolved by the time of release. Unfortunately, not every kind of problem can be solved that easily, so if you are using iOS 12.1 on your iPhone, then you have to be careful because you might expose your contact book to malicious people who want to access.


  1. O fi vulnerabilitate, nu zic, dar ea se materializează când eventual îți lași telefonul , care e un obiect personal pana la urma, intr-un loc public ( ca acasă nu-i niciun pericol) la îndemâna oricui. Și întreb: cine face așa ceva..? Cu portofelul ai face asta?, ca n-are passcode…

  2. Cand vad kakati cu ochi care compara OS cu Android ma amuza rau ( numai un ratat vede androidu mare sistem, repetentilor, saracilor :))

  3. Asa e cand apple a declarat acum 4 ani ca se platesc aceste “probleme” gasite
    Asa devii cel mai sigur,cand implici tot globul pt bani

  4. La mine pe ip6s după update mi-a rămas un 1 notificare la setări dar nu am nici memoria full și nici alta actualizare