Instagram is starting to DELETE LIKES and FOLLOWERS

Instagram has announced that it is starting to delete fake likes, followers and comments from the platform, here's how the process will unfold.

instagram delete likes followers

Instagram announced yesterday a radical measure for the social network, more precisely, bought likes and fake followers are going to disappear from the accounts. You are probably not unfamiliar with the phenomenon of buying likes or followers from various applications or dubious websites, all based on fake accounts created with virtual robots.

Instagram knows very well what is happening in the social network, so it decided to eradicate this phenomenon, so it will start deleting everything that is fake in the social network. Instagram will delete any kind of likes, comments, or followers obtained using "third-party services", an artificial intelligence system being specially trained for this.

Instagram is starting to DELETE LIKES and FOLLOWERS

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Instagram will not only delete the links, followers and comments obtained through third-party services, but will also ask users to change their passwords for accounts "compromised" by using these services. All accounts that will be affected by this new measure from Instagram will be notified about this action through an alert displayed in the mobile application.

Instagram is going to leave a lot of people without LIKES, followers and fake comments, most of them falsifying their audience and communities for money. It is known that those accounts with many followers and many LIKES are wanted for advertising, although most of them have done everything based on virtual robots, not real communities.