iOS 13 Solved a very BIG PROBLEM of iPhone and iPad

ios 13 location tracking

iOS 13 solved a very big problem of the iPhone and iPad, one that the Apple company promised to solve a few years ago, and which it finally managed to solve with this version of the operating system.

iOS 13 the Apple company has implemented a special system that tells us when an application accesses our location even if the application is left open in the background, or completely closed, and allows us to block access.

Thanks to these alerts that iOS 13 brought to iPhone and iPad, the monitoring of people's location in the background, without them knowing, decreased by 68% in just a few months, which is a huge achievement, in the end.

The big companies that sell ads all over the world, and many developers of applications for iDvices have repeatedly complained about this important change for iOS 13, but those from Apple didn't care.

“As those options have been made available to users, we attribute them to the drop in sharing. Android's location controls haven't always been as useful, but the latest version of Android 10 is playing catch-up with a similar "while in use only" setting when apps request location data. Like iOS, Android 10 also warns users when an existing app is collecting location data in the background and provides a shortcut to stop the app.”

iOS 13 had this change criticized because because of it ads could no longer be served to people based on their location, and this is very good news for all iDevice users.

Having said that, iOS 13 changes things for the better for us, and those from Apple have no intention of changing anything that would bring location monitoring back to the background.