eMAG: TEAPA that Took a Young Woman from Romania to Prison

eMAG was the store from which a young woman bought a phone with which she assaulted a person, and was sentenced to prison in Romania.

I'm a young girl in prison

eMAG is the largest online store in Romania, and this means that it is preferred by many Romanians for shopping on the Internet, something that can sometimes give rise to crimes. eMAG was the store from which a 26-year-old woman from Bacau bought a Samsung GALAXY S6 phone some time ago, but she did so using a copy of the bulletin of a woman from Bacau, who of course did not know what was going on happen.

eMAG he sold the phone to the young woman without knowing about the crime she was committing, the phone being bought in installments by her, but of course she never paid any of the installments to the financial institution that granted her the loan. Because this did not happen, that financial institution sent the woman whose bulletin was used for the purchase a notification asking her to pay the installments, otherwise she risks being foreclosed on, which happened.

eMAG: TEAPA that Took a Young Woman from Romania to Prison

eMAG he had nothing to do in this situation, but the damaged woman's daughter notified the police, and declared that she knows who the author of the crime is, she gave that person a copy of her mother's bulletin. The copy was offered to the young woman from Bacau who fraudulently bought the phone from eMAG in order to find a job abroad for the damaged woman, which of course did not happen, but the police knew exactly where to go to arrest someone to the responsibility.

"The court appreciates that the seriousness of the crime of fraud is illustrated, first of all, by its special legal object, being damaged social relations regarding the patrimony of individuals, a fundamental right that enjoys special protection from the law. Moreover, this offense requires a certain criminal refinement, the person who commits such an act, having to be endowed with certain qualities of persuasion of the people he wants to harm, and with the ability to create the appearance of truthfulness on what is claimed to be real. The use of the falsified document by the defendant was likely to produce patrimonial consequences to the detriment of the named MI, which was forcibly executed for the debt owed by Cetelem IFN SA. It is necessary to mention that the commission of a plurality of crimes constitutes a cause of aggravation of criminal liability. The sentence will be executed in a custodial regime, under the conditions in which the defendant did not express her agreement to perform unpaid work for the benefit of the community and evaded the trial."

The young woman who bought the phone fraudulently from eMAG was contacted by the victim, admitted the facts, and promised to pay the amount of 3549 LEI requested for the phone by the credit institution. She also admitted the act in front of the police, and she was going to be sent to court, probably with the understanding that she would receive a sentence of 1 year and 2 months, without execution, with the performance of work for the benefit of the community, but the reality was different .

The court that tried the case sentenced the young woman to a sentence of 5 years in prison with execution, she refused to do work for the benefit of the community, and evading the process, so now you know what happens if you think of buying phones in other people's names.